After Art
This collection comes as an extension of my tattoo flash series “Windows” that I started to work on in 2019. I have been using this little portal to tell many different stories on human bodies. It represents a gateway you can use to make connections with your desires or fears. Being my first NFT collection, with After Art I wanted to pay homage to art history with a series that puts art and stories we all recognise and connect to in a different context. One that tells a story of change happening over time and where we are today as a civilisation.

My second series comes as an evolution of the portal motive I had been obsessed with for some time. Some of the drawings were done almost two years ago, some are redone older works and some are completely new. When I experimented with compositions, I started getting different moods and messages that each piece sends out to the viewer. Most of them were not drawn with a pre-existing idea of what they should represent. It all becomes clear after I start drawing. In general they all revolve around human condition and psychology.